Rachel Ambats Attorney

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Sexual Abuse Allegations Against the Boy Scouts Are Mounting

We have learned that more than 82,000 people have come forward with sexual abuse allegations against the Boy Scouts of America. These allegations detail instances of abuse that took place over decades. This sexual abuse was perpetrated by scout leaders across the United States and here in New York. Adult survivors of sexual abuse, as well as those who are currently under the age of 18, should be able to pursue compensation against any perpetrator of their abuse.

What is going on with Boy Scouts sexual abuse cases?

According to a report from the New York Times, the number of claims filed against the Boy Scouts of America has eclipsed the number of claims filed in the well-publicized sexual abuse cases against the Catholic Church. The cases against the Boy Scouts continued to mount ahead of a recent deadline established in the bankruptcy court case against the organization in Delaware.

With more than 82,000 claims filed, this will be a monumental task for the bankruptcy case when working to compensate victims. According to the bankruptcy filing, the Boy Scouts of America have more than $1 billion in assets, and the organization also has a network of local Boy Scout councils that individually own hundreds of camps and other properties throughout the United States.

The Boy Scouts of America is seeking to reorganize and set up a victims’ compensation fund under their Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. A judge in Delaware established the recent deadline for victims to come forward with claims that will ultimately go through a vetting process.

In a statement, the Boy Scouts of America said that the organization was “devastated by the number of lives impacted by past abuse in Scouting.” The organization says that it has sought an accessible process for survivors of sexual abuse to seek compensation.

The Boy Scouts have had a detailed history of allegations of sexual abuse. The New York Times reported that the organization kept “perversion files” that included lists of scout leaders who had been accused of sexual abuse as far back as the 1940s.

After the state of New York approved a new “lookback” law that allowed victims of sexual abuse to file claims beyond the original statute of limitations, new allegations against many organizations, including the Boy Scouts, began to come forth.

Call our New York City sexual abuse lawyer for a free consultation today

If you or someone you care about has been the victim of sexual abuse in New York City, speak to an attorney as soon as possible. At the Law Office of Rachel Ambats, PLLC, our compassionate sexual abuse lawyer is ready to stand by your side and secure any compensation you may be entitled to. This can include compensation for:

·        Medical expenses

·        The costs of counseling or therapy

·        Lost income if you cannot work

·        Pain and suffering damages

·        Intentional infliction of emotional distress

·        Possible punitive damages against the perpetrator of the abuse

When you need a New York City sexual abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation.